Georgia Judge Dismisses Two Charges Against Trump

Well, well, well—another day, another win for Donald Trump in Georgia!

On Thursday, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee delivered a major blow to District Attorney Fani Willis’ case, ruling that two criminal charges against Trump were thrown out. It turns out that the prosecutors didn’t even have the authority to bring up these charges in the first place. You’d think they would have figured that out before trying to go after a former President of the United States, right?

In his ruling, Judge McAfee pointed to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that preempted the state’s ability to prosecute perjury and false filings in a federal district court. As a result, Counts 14, 15, and 27 were quashed, which means Trump is now off the hook for Count 15, conspiracy to commit filing false documents, and Count 27, filing false documents. And let’s not forget, Trump wasn’t even charged in Count 14, which related to a criminal attempt to commit filing false documents.

This is not a small victory, folks. Out of the 13 charges Trump originally faced from Willis’ controversial indictment back in August 2023, he’s now beaten five. Yes, that’s right—he’s knocked out five of these charges, including three previous counts related to the solicitation of violations of oath by public officers. So much for the airtight case that was supposed to bring Trump down.

Steve Sadow, Trump’s lead attorney in Georgia, couldn’t have put it better: “President Trump and his legal team in Georgia have prevailed once again.” This latest ruling is yet another sign that Willis’ grand indictment might not be as bulletproof as she hoped. And let’s be honest, this whole case has been looking more and more like a political circus from the start.

Now, does Trump still have charges to fight? Absolutely. The remaining charges include the big ones, like violating the Georgia RICO Act, conspiracy to commit forgery, and false statements and writings. But if this week’s ruling is any indication, Trump’s legal team is on a roll. They’re proving that the case against him isn’t the slam dunk Democrats were banking on.

It’s worth noting that Count 1, the RICO charge, is still in play, which is the linchpin of the entire case. But after defeating five of these charges, it’s clear Trump isn’t going down without a fight, and the cracks in the prosecution’s case are starting to show.

And here’s the kicker: Fani Willis has now seen a good chunk of her case collapse, yet the mainstream media remains pretty quiet about it. You’d think they’d be all over the fact that Trump has defeated nearly half the charges already, but of course, that doesn’t fit their narrative. The real story here is that Trump is winning—and if this keeps up, his legal troubles in Georgia might just fizzle out.

As we wait to see what happens with the remaining charges, one thing is for sure: Trump isn’t backing down, and neither is his legal team. They’re taking it to the courts, and for now, they’re winning.