Pelosi Comments On Biden During Guardian Podcast

Well, it looks like the gloves are off in the Democratic Party, and Nancy Pelosi isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Pelosi admitted to playing a key role in what can only be described as a soft coup—pushing President Joe Biden out of the race and clearing the way for Kamala Harris to take the reins. Apparently, loyalty and friendship take a back seat when “winning” is the name of the game, and poor Joe was just in the way.

Pelosi confirmed that she hasn’t spoken to Biden since this all went down. But hey, don’t worry, she’s “prayerful” about it. Because nothing says “I’m sorry for backstabbing you” like sending up a few prayers while moving on to the next power play. The irony here is thick. For a party that constantly frames itself as the protector of democracy, Pelosi is out here admitting that the guy Democratic voters chose in 2020 had to be sidelined. Why? Because, according to Pelosi, winning is all that matters.

The details of Biden’s downfall are juicy. Pelosi apparently issued an ultimatum to her “friend” of 50 years, threatening to release polls showing that Biden couldn’t beat Trump. Can you imagine? Biden’s been limping along, barely holding things together, and after a disastrous debate performance, Pelosi saw the writing on the wall. No way was she going to let Biden crash the ship with Trump still looming on the horizon.

But here’s the kicker: Pelosi didn’t force Biden out because she was worried about his health or the country’s future. Nope. She just wanted to win. She admitted as much in the interview, essentially saying that Harris is the Democrats’ best shot—even though Harris can’t seem to win over anyone, let alone her own party. Pelosi’s cold dismissal of the Biden-Harris rift makes one thing clear: she’s focused on protecting her own legacy, not Biden’s.

And speaking of Biden, he’s not exactly taking his ouster well. From wearing a Trump 2024 cap at a 9/11 event to undercutting Harris by taking credit for the economy, it’s clear that Biden’s bitterness is simmering just below the surface. His recent move to upstage a Harris rally by holding a press conference and cozying up to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis? That wasn’t an accident—it was a calculated shot across the bow. Biden may be out of the race, but he’s not going down quietly.

Pelosi’s move might have sealed Biden’s legacy as the president who couldn’t beat Trump due to his mental decline. And let’s face it, Biden knows it. Pelosi may have pulled the trigger, but Biden is clearly still reeling from the blow. Will he ever forgive her? Let’s just say I wouldn’t hold my breath.