Trump Visits DC To Meet With Lawmakers

Let’s dive into some high-stakes political action as former President Donald Trump heads to Washington, D.C., for a jam-packed Thursday full of strategic meetings and key discussions.

First on the agenda, Trump will meet with Republican leaders from both the House and Senate to discuss “policies that will save the nation,” according to a senior Trump campaign official. These policies include protecting Social Security and Medicare, securing the border, advocating for America-first foreign policy, and reigniting the vibrant Trump economy of a few years ago.

Trump’s day kicks off at the Capitol Hill Club at 9:30 a.m., where he will join House Republicans on a joint invitation from top House leaders, including Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise. The focus of this closed-door meeting will be on growing the House Republican majority and setting the legislative agenda for 2025.

Following this, Trump will head to an exclusive discussion with top business leaders hosted by Business Roundtable. This off-the-record event, featuring more than 200 CEOs of America’s leading companies, will see Trump making his case for economic prosperity under his potential second term. Fox Business host Larry Kudlow will steer this discussion, with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients speaking on behalf of President Biden.

Trump will convene with Senate Republicans at the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) headquarters. Senate GOP Conference Chair John Barrasso invited Trump to discuss his plans for the summer and strategize for 2025. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who endorsed Trump for the 2024 election, will also be in attendance, marking their first meeting since December 2020.

After the meetings with Senate Republicans, Trump and the lawmakers are expected to speak to the press, providing insights into their discussions and plans moving forward.

This visit comes as Trump continues to shape his presidential re-election campaign and influence GOP races nationwide, just weeks ahead of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Amidst his political maneuvers, Trump is also navigating a series of legal battles, with a critical deadline for his legal team in New York v. Trump set for the end of Thursday.

After his Capitol visit, Trump plans another strategic meeting with Speaker Johnson and NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson from his Mar-a-Lago resort.

In a recent move to stir the political pot, Trump dropped a damning video of President Biden on Truth Social, sparking further discussions and controversies.