Video Raises Questions About Federal Worker

Well, well, well—what do we have here? Another unelected, overpaid bureaucrat admitting—on camera, no less—that the deep state is alive and well and that they have absolutely no intention of following the directives of the people actually elected to lead this country. And this time, it’s not some shadowy conspiracy theory—it’s coming straight from the mouth of a Department of Homeland Security official, caught red-handed by none other than James O’Keefe’s undercover sting operation.

Meet Brandon Wright, Platform Services Manager for DHS, who decided to spill his guts about how career government employees—people like him—believe they run the show, not the DHS Secretary, not the President, and certainly not the American people. He was more than happy to admit that his agency actively works to filter, reinterpret, and outright ignore the directives of political appointees like newly confirmed DHS Secretary Kristi Noem. And in case there was any doubt about his contempt for her, he made it crystal clear: “Kristi Noem? I f***ing hate her.” Well, Brandon, tell us how you really feel.

According to Wright, DHS’s bureaucratic structure is like a “septic tank,” with enough layers of resistance to effectively water down or stall any policy changes that career employees don’t agree with. In other words, when an actual elected government—one chosen by the American people—sends down directives, these bureaucrats just smile, nod, and then do whatever they want behind closed doors. So much for democracy, right?

But let’s not gloss over the sheer arrogance on display here. Wright sneers at the idea that Noem—who, by the way, was elected as governor twice and just sailed through Senate confirmation—could possibly know what she’s doing.

“She doesn’t know her a**,” he scoffs. “The Department of Homeland Security could fall on her f***ing head, and she wouldn’t recognize what it is.” That’s rich, coming from a mid-level bureaucrat whose biggest accomplishment is making sure DHS’s platform services don’t crash. But please, tell us more about how the people in charge of national security are the real problem while you sit back and undermine them at every turn.

Let’s be real—this is exactly why the federal government is such a disaster. We have an entrenched administrative state that believes it’s above elected officials, above accountability, and above the law. When the Biden administration was letting the southern border turn into a free-for-all, these bureaucrats had no problem falling in line. But now that Kristi Noem has stepped in—someone who actually intends to enforce the law and put Americans first—suddenly, these bureaucrats are outraged.

It’s no wonder why Noem came in swinging, vowing to shut down the CBP One App—a glorified ticketing system for illegal immigrants that the Biden administration tried to pass off as “orderly migration.” And wouldn’t you know it, the app was deactivated before she even took office. That tells you everything you need to know about who’s really been running things in Washington: not the voters, not the people’s representatives, but an unelected class of bureaucrats who decide which laws get enforced and which ones get ignored.

Of course, now that this video is out in the open, DHS is scrambling to do damage control. In a statement, they claim Wright has been placed on leave and is under investigation, with his termination supposedly “imminent.” But let’s be honest—if O’Keefe hadn’t caught him on camera, does anyone really believe he’d be facing consequences? Not a chance. He’d still be in his office, smirking about how he and his colleagues are the real decision-makers.

Kristi Noem has made it clear that her mission is to restore law and order, secure the border, and put Americans first. And judging by the sheer panic this has caused among DHS’s bureaucrats, it’s obvious she’s already shaking up the status quo. That alone tells you she’s doing something right.