Homan Responds To Governors Claim

Well, isn’t this just rich? New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy—yes, the same guy who’s been running his state into the ground with high taxes and far-left policies—has now decided to personally house an immigrant in his home. Not only that, but he’s openly daring the Trump administration to do something about it. You almost have to admire the sheer audacity of it—almost.

Murphy made the big reveal during an interview with Blue Wave New Jersey, a progressive group that probably thinks sanctuary cities don’t go far enough. In his best virtue-signaling tone, Murphy proudly declared that he and his wife Tammy had opened their home—well, the space above their garage—to someone whose “immigration status is not yet at the point that they are trying to get it to.” In other words, an illegal immigrant. But he didn’t stop there. No, he had to throw in a little defiance for good measure, challenging federal authorities with a smug, “And good luck to the feds coming in to try to get her.”

Ah, the modern Democratic Party in action—breaking the law and daring anyone to enforce it, all while patting themselves on the back for their so-called compassion. This is the same governor who expects law-abiding citizens to follow every bureaucratic rule and regulation his administration dreams up, but when it comes to immigration laws? Those are apparently optional if you’re progressive enough.

Fox News Digital reached out to Murphy’s office for clarification, but surprise, surprise—they didn’t respond. Maybe they’re still scrambling to figure out how to spin this so that it doesn’t sound like the governor of New Jersey is openly violating federal law.

Let’s be clear: harboring an illegal immigrant is against the law. It’s not up for debate, it’s not a matter of personal interpretation—it’s illegal. Trump’s former border czar, Tom Homan, made it crystal clear in December when he reminded everyone that knowingly concealing an illegal immigrant from ICE is a direct violation of federal law. And yet, Murphy seems to think he’s above it.

He may have found himself under investigation:

This little stunt comes right as ICE has been ramping up enforcement efforts in New Jersey, with a major operation taking place in Newark just last month. Naturally, Murphy and his administration weren’t happy about it. A spokesperson from his office demanded “more information” from the Trump administration about the recent enforcement action. Because, of course, when federal agents do their job, Democrats like Murphy act like they need a full-blown investigation to understand why laws are being enforced.

This is classic Democrat behavior—turning their state into a sanctuary for illegal immigrants while daring federal officials to step in. Meanwhile, who pays the price? Hardworking American citizens. The people who have to deal with the rising costs of illegal immigration, the overwhelmed social services, the crime spikes in sanctuary cities—those folks don’t get a say. Their leaders are too busy grandstanding for progressive activists and collecting praise on MSNBC.

In reality, Murphy’s little act of defiance won’t age well. Americans are tired of the open-border nonsense and the double standards of politicians who ignore the laws they don’t like. The Trump administration has made it clear that they’re serious about enforcing immigration laws, and sooner or later, Murphy’s performative sanctuary stunt is going to hit a legal wall. And when it does, don’t expect him to take responsibility—he’ll just do what Democrats do best: play the victim, blame Trump, and pretend this was all about “compassion.”