Biden & Trump Visit Border

President Biden visited the southern border on Thursday. But in a split screen symbolic of the political moment, former President Donald Trump also made an appearance in a different Texas border town.

While President Biden visited Brownsville, Texas to meet with border patrol agents, law enforcement officials, and local leaders, President Trump was in Eagle Pass, Texas, where he will met with Texas officials, including Governor Greg Abbott. This stark contrast highlights the current divide in the handling of the border crisis between the two administrations.

President Biden’s visit comes at a critical time as record levels of migrant arrivals have overwhelmed the border. But instead of providing concrete solutions to address this crisis, Biden is once again calling on Congress to pass a bipartisan border security deal that has already been rejected. Talk about beating a dead horse.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to hammer home the issue of border security, claiming the U.S. is “being overrun by the Biden migrant crime.” And he’s not wrong. From drug smuggling to human trafficking to violent crimes, the Biden administration’s open border policies have put American lives at risk.

In a rare move, House Republicans voted to impeach Biden’s chief border official, Alejandro Mayorkas, for his mishandling of the border situation. Democrats, on the other hand, are attempting to go on the offensive, accusing Republicans of using the border as political fodder rather than addressing the issue. But let’s be real here, it’s not just politics. It’s about the safety and security of our nation.

So as Biden makes his first visit to the southern border since Jan. 2023, it’s clear that he still has no concrete plan to address this crisis.

The Biden administration’s trip to the border is nothing more than a political stunt. While Trump is taking action by meeting with Texas officials, Biden is just going through the motions and trying to deflect blame. The difference between the two couldn’t be different here’s what it looked like.

CBS News