Dutch Woman Opts For Euthanasia Due To Depression

The decision by a 28-year-old Dutch woman to die by euthanasia because she is depressed has sparked outrage among conservatives.

Zoraya ter Beek’s decision brings into question the morality of euthanasia and highlights a concerning trend in the Netherlands. Ter Beek, a young and physically healthy woman, has decided to end her own life due to mental health issues.

This decision was supported by her psychiatrist, who claimed that there was nothing more that could be done for her. This is a disturbing revelation, as it shows a lack of effort on the part of the medical community to provide proper care and support for those struggling with mental illness.

She said her psychiatrist told her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better.”

“I was always very clear that if it doesn’t get better, I can’t do this anymore,” ter Beek said.

According to the Dailywire, ter Beek described the process saying,

…”she’ll be administered a sedative before getting a lethal injection at home on her couch. “The doctor really takes her time. It is not that they walk in and say: lay down please! Most of the time it is first a cup of coffee to settle the nerves and create a soft atmosphere,” ter Beek explained.

She continued, “Then she asks if I am ready. I will take my place on the couch. She will once again ask if I am sure, and she will start up the procedure and wish me a good journey. Or, in my case, a nice nap, because I hate it if people say, ‘Safe journey.’ I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m a little afraid of dying, because it’s the ultimate unknown,” she said. “We don’t really know what’s next—or is there nothing? That’s the scary part.”

The Netherlands was the first country in the world to make euthanasia legal, and this decision has now opened the doors for what some may view as a slippery slope. Euthanasia was initially only permitted for those facing terminal illnesses and physical suffering, but it has now expanded to cover mental illnesses as well.

This raises the question of where do we draw the line in determining the value and worth of human life. Even more troubling is the recent expansion of euthanasia for children between the ages of one and twelve. This allows for young and vulnerable children to be euthanized for reasons of “hopeless and unbearable suffering.”

This is a frightening concept, as children are not capable of fully understanding the weight of such a decision and can easily be influenced by the opinions of those around them. Furthermore, the high number of euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands is alarming.

In 2022 alone, there were 8,720 deaths by euthanasia, accounting for 5% of all deaths in the country. This shows a disturbing trend where euthanasia is becoming the go-to solution for those struggling with their lives.

It is a concerning reflection of a society that values convenience and ease over the sanctity of human life. The implications of ter Beek’s decision and the expansion of euthanasia in the Netherlands cannot be ignored. This is not a matter of personal choice, as it has societal and moral consequences.

No individual, regardless of their circumstances, should be deemed unworthy of life and be allowed to end it with the approval of the medical community. In the United States, the right to life is one of the fundamental principles that our country was founded upon.

We must stand against the dangerous trend of euthanasia and advocate for proper mental health care and support for those in need. We must value and protect every human life, from conception to natural death. No one should be denied the chance to live because of their mental or physical state.