Haberman Comment Raises Eyebrows

Ladies and gentlemen, the media circus is back at it again—this time, taking aim at former President Donald Trump for what should have been a solemn and respectful occasion.

NPR, never missing an opportunity to stir the pot, is now claiming that Trump campaign staff got into an “altercation” with a cemetery official during Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where he honored the 13 American heroes who lost their lives during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal under the Biden administration.

According to NPR, a source alleged that two Trump campaign staff members had a “verbal and physical altercation” with a cemetery official who supposedly tried to stop them from filming and taking photos in Section 60, the resting place of many who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The cemetery, they say, was clear that only authorized staff could take photographs or film in that section. Sounds like a juicy story, right? Not so fast.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung quickly set the record straight, explaining that a private photographer had been permitted on the premises and that it was an “unnamed individual,” apparently suffering from some sort of mental health issue, who decided to block Trump’s team during the ceremony. Cheung firmly denied any physical altercation, even offering to release footage if these defamatory claims persisted.

Senior Trump adviser Chris LaCivita didn’t mince words either, calling out the “despicable individual” who tried to prevent Trump’s team from accompanying him. LaCivita rightly pointed out that Trump was there at the invitation of the Abbey Gate Gold Star Families to honor the fallen in a ceremony that was far more presidential than anything we’ve seen from the current administration.

Cheryl Juels, the aunt of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, one of the servicemembers killed in Kabul, also stepped forward to slam the narrative being spun by the media. She expressed deep gratitude for Trump’s presence and his willingness to honor their loved ones, stating that having the event recorded was important and meaningful for her family. According to Juels, this was an unprecedented show of respect and care, something that the current administration has sorely lacked for the past three years.

It’s clear what’s happening here. The media is desperate to undermine Trump at every turn, even if it means distorting the truth about an event as sacred as honoring fallen servicemembers. They’ll latch onto anything, no matter how flimsy, to paint Trump and his team in a negative light. But in doing so, they’re not just attacking Trump—they’re disrespecting the very families who invited him to honor their loved ones.

The bottom line? Trump’s visit to Arlington was a genuine act of respect for those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, and any attempts to smear that should be seen for what they are: a disgraceful display of partisan pettiness. The families who were there appreciated the presence of Trump and his team, and that’s what truly matters.