Investigation Finds Previous Officials Arrest

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, the first black woman to head the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, has come under scrutiny for an alleged violent domestic dispute that occurred in 2006. Despite denying any history of violent crimes during her confirmation process, Clarke’s ex-husband, Reginald Avery, has come forward with evidence that suggests otherwise.

According to court documents, records, and text messages obtained and authenticated by The Daily Signal, Clarke was arrested on July 4, 2006, for allegedly attacking Avery with a knife. Avery claims that she deeply sliced his finger to the bone.

Despite the incident resulting in an arrest, Clarke’s record was later expunged. This raises questions about whether she was upfront about her past during her nomination process.

Clarke served as a trial attorney for the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division at the time of the incident. She would go on to lead the left-leaning National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense Fund’s voting and election efforts.

During her confirmation, Clarke was specifically asked if she had ever been arrested or accused of committing a violent crime. She unequivocally denied any such history. However, her ex-husband’s testimony and the expungement order suggest otherwise.

In Maryland, where the incident occurred, expunged information does not have to be disclosed in certain circumstances, such as when applying for employment or admission. However, given the nature of Clarke’s nomination for a high-level DOJ position, it is questionable why she would not disclose this information, especially if she was required to do so on questionnaires submitted to the White House and Senate Judiciary Committee.

The fact that the FBI did not contact Clarke’s ex-husband during her confirmation process also raises red flags. This basic step in the vetting process would have likely uncovered the arrest and expungement records.

It is concerning that Clarke, who now holds a top position in the Justice Department, may have been less than forthcoming about her past. As a nominee for such a high-profile position, all potential red flags must be thoroughly vetted and disclosed.

One source with experience in the confirmation process stated, “I can’t imagine a Republican nomination getting away with this.” It is true that if a Republican nominee had such a questionable background, they would likely not make it through the confirmation process unscathed.

As the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division is considered the “crown jewel” of the Justice Department, it is vital that its leader has the utmost integrity and transparency. Questions surrounding Clarke’s past and her honesty during her confirmation process must be addressed. Otherwise, it may undermine the very foundation of the Justice Department’s mission to uphold justice for all Americans.