Oklahoma & Florida Officials Gives Direction On Change

The battle for the future of education is heating up as Oklahoma and Florida become the first states to push back against President Biden’s changes to Title IX policies.

In a bold move, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced that his state will not comply with the Biden administration’s new guidelines, which include protections for gender identity.

Walters has instructed schools within the state to refrain from making any policy changes based on the new Title IX regulations. He cites “serious concerns with the legality” of the changes, particularly regarding the redefinition of “sex” to include gender identity. He also expects legal challenges to the new rules and urges schools to wait for a definitive legal ruling before implementing any changes.

Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. echoed Walters’ sentiments, calling the new guidelines “absurd” and accusing the Biden administration of “maiming the statute beyond recognition.” He also plans to fight the changes, stating that the Biden administration is trying to “gaslight the country” into believing that biological sex is no longer meaningful.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz also spoke out against the new regulations, calling it a “wish list for the far left.” He specifically takes issue with the expansion of the rule to cover off-campus actions and the weakening of due process protections for the accused.

The Biden administration rolled out the new rules last week, claiming that they will ensure that “everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming and that respect their rights.” However, many conservatives and Republicans see these changes as an overreach of government power and an attack on traditional values.

The key changes to the rule include expanding the definition of sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This is seen as a win for LGBTQ+ advocates but a loss for those who believe in traditional views of gender and sexuality. The changes also roll back the regulations put in place by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, which aimed to protect the due process rights of the accused.

In the eyes of many conservatives, these changes are a step in the wrong direction. They fear that the new regulations will promote a leftist agenda in schools and erode traditional values. Some even argue that the changes could make schools less safe for girls, as it opens the door for biological males to compete in girls’ sports and use girls’ facilities.

The fight against these changes is just beginning, and more states are expected to follow in the footsteps of Oklahoma and Florida. Many conservative leaders, lawmakers, and parents are standing up against what they see as an overreach of federal power and an attack on traditional values. The battle for the future of education is far from over, and it remains to be seen how these changes will ultimately impact schools and students.